Just as there are many issues one might bring to hypnotherapy, there are numerous techniques and tools to address those issues. Each person is unique. Each situation is unique. Two people may have what sounds like the same issue, but there will be differences in cause, intensity, how long it’s been a problem, and how it manifests. Each hypnotherapy session is different, personalized for you and how you are feeling at the time. Below is a broad outline of what you can expect to experience.
Probably, our first encounter will be a phone call. In a FREE 20-minute consultation, we will talk about your goals and I will answer any questions you have about the hypnotherapy process. If we determine that I can help you, we will schedule a first session.
At the first session, after you complete some paperwork, we will talk about your desires in more depth and develop a plan to reach your goals. If you have never been hypnotized before, our first hypnosis may be a light trance designed to leave you relaxed and clear-headed. If you have experience with hypnosis, and are comfortable with it, you may go into a deeper trance. In either case, you will find yourself aware and focused on your pleasant internal experience. I will make some suggestions for new ideas and behaviors that your subconscious mind can use to make transformative changes over time. When I gently bring you out of trance, you will feel both relaxed and invigorated.
Occasionally a single session is sufficient to implant whatever change you seek. More often, permanent change is achieved in three to eight sessions. You can expect to notice changes in your thinking, feeling and behavior immediately and over the days and weeks following your therapy session.